
  • 4 Salmon Filets
  • 4 tablespoons extra virgin oil
  • 3-4 garlic gloves, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons light brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted sweet cream butter
  • 1 can mandarin oranges, drained
  • 1 large Michigan Sweet Candy Onion
  • 1/2 cup parsley, finely chopped


Recipe Description

Okay, here’s how we did date at the end of this week. My wife and I have been married for a long time now and we know our respective roles. I man the kitchen and she’s a master when it comes to table decor. Tat gave me the hint that she was in a mood for salmon when she brought home over 3 lbs over the weekend from Fresh Thyme. I wanted to try some a little different, but I didn’t know just “what.”I wanted to come up with something original but delicious.

So when I went to the local fresh grocer (Horrock’s) on the lookout for things I felt would compliment the wonderful taste of salmon. I saw some Michigan Candy Sweet Onions and I asked the man who was stocking them had he used them before. He said yes, and they were, if not just as sweet but much more sweeter than the Vidalia variety. After arriving home, I went to our garden and harvested some fresh parsley, kale and a few zucchini. The parsley was for the salmon but the kale and zucchini were set aside for the Jasmine rice that I made.

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