- 9,5 oz flour
- 6,5 oz butter
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 5 oz pitted rosehips
- 17,5 oz apples
- 2-3 tbsp brown sugar
- 1/2 cinnamon quill
- 5 fl.oz rose wine
- 5 fl.oz water
Recipe Description
Inspired by the “Nuremberg baking book” an old recipe book of my mother I’ll show you a rosehip pie today. The book contains many great and especially old Franconian baking recipes, in which the author probably thought only housewives would buy the book, who did not need a guide for the cooking time, the temperature or the recipes for some basic doughs. But because most of us aren’t perfect housewives from the old days I will include the making of the dough as well. And because I always try to add something special for you, I slightly modified the recipe. According to the original recipe where you should add grapes or raisins to the rosehips, I had to choose an other ingredient because the wasps destroyed all of our own grapes. So I decided to use the super delicious apples from my garden. I just have a little tree and this year it really beard lots of fruits for the first time. Fully unsprayed and I tell you they smell better than any apple which can be bought at the supermarket. A real delight.
And the combination of my garden fruits on this pie is really gorgeous. Of course the rosehips grow in my lovely small garden. To core them is not a nice daily work but the effort be worth it! I think even the housewives from the old days would be satisfied. Mmmmmhhhhh